AGM Dec 2022


1.     Welcome by the President – John Price

Our Society is 52 years old and I believe we have always held and AGM. So welcome to the 52nd AGM. We don’t have written records of early years but hopefully this figure is correct. As president I must not encroach on any of the Committee’s reports so my welcome address has a more general theme, but without being too long, as I am sometimes reminded of in my welcome to speakers at our monthly meetings.

On an astronomical note

It has been a good year for astronomy with the launch of the James Web Space Telescope with its first results being very revealing and it will continue to delight us for many years to come. Many talks on this subject are in prospect I am sure. This is great for our Society and new knowledge will continue to accumulate. We all have a common interest in this but are, perhaps, motivated by differing aspects of the subject which is, for me, the understanding of our beginnings out there and why we are here now.

On a personal note

I do not hold an elected position and regard my role as President as being at the invitation of the Committee. I enjoy the job of running the meeting and would like to continue. However, I have let it be known that if a younger-look for the Society is desired then all that is needed is a quiet word in my ear and I shall retire. I am aged 84 and have always said that if I ever have to ask a speaker “what did you say your name was?” that would herald my return to the back-benches.


We have to thank our Committee for being able to meet tonight. The AGM is always a significant annual- milestone for any organisation. An opportunity to pause, reflect on the past and head forward into the future. Our Committee has guided us through three difficult years and we are immerging in good shape. Thank you Committee for this achievement. We have survived!

2.     Committee Members’ Reports 2022

Kevin Pretorius – Chairman, Programme Secretary and Interim Membership Secretary.

Hi, I’m Kevin Pretorius, I’m your Co-Chairman and Programme Secretary (and temporary Membership Secretary too).

Apart from the regular day to day activities of undertaking these roles, I’ve been supporting the society on a variety of projects and activities. It’s been an exceptionally busy year.

In January/February, I played a major role in our roll-out of MemberMojo. Working with Steve Godber, I helped configure, test and evaluate the product, before making a recommendation to the committee that we should adopt. I handled the membership communication and the GDPR issues, dealt on a 1:1 basis with people’s questions and concerns, and largely performed the data migration from our previous solution to this. Following go-live I organised and supported the front desk to take payments, support late joiners and deal with queries. Later in the year, I produced an update to our GDPR privacy policy to bring this in line with our use of MemberMojo.

Along with other members of the committee, I helped plan and organise our post-COVID return to ACC in March, for my part ensuring that we had people in place to do everything that needed to be done, and technology to support our attempts to livestream Zoom talks. Also on that topic, I continued to run dial-in Zoom calls until June this year, honouring promises that had been made to allow members to access meetings this way for the first half of the year. At times this was admittedly problematic.

I collected and assessed a donated Skywatcher Mak-Cas for the FAS library, and brought it along to early meetings as part of a new-member “meet and greet” activity.

I collected, assessed and ran a draw for a further donated telescope in April, this time a very nice Skywatcher 8” Dobsonian.

When our Membership Secretary was unable to continue, I took up the mantle of that role, in addition to my own, and (along with other committee members) I’ve been working with our new Observing Coordinator Nigel Thomas to enable him to take up his new role.

On the presentation front, I arranged talks with a good selection of external speakers, with engaging talks about the Bepi-Colombo mission, the Winchcombe Meteorite, Cosmic Explosions, the Moon, Aurorae and Exoplanets. Though they’re not here to hear this, I like to express my appreciation to them all on behalf of the society for being so willing to share their knowledge and expertise with us.

And as always, our speaker programme just wouldn’t be possible without the contributions from our own experienced members, so I’d definitely like to thank Danny Thomas for his talk on the Constellations in 3D, Steve Fox for a great practical introduction to getting started in Astrophotography, and David Lewis and John Price for answering the questions “Would you want to live on a Dyson Sphere?” and “Will we ever Travel to the Stars?” – with a “Probably Not”.

Next year’s programme is about 2/3rds done, with talks about Supernovae, Ocean Worlds and Exoplanets amongst topics to look forward to. I have just 4 slots left, and I’m eager to hear from any member with a story to tell or knowledge to share. And I know I say this every year, but there’s no better way to motivate yourself to learn a topic than to commit to teach it to everybody else.

And finally, yes I’m willing to continue in the roles of Co-Chairman, Programme Secretary and Membership Secretary, but I wouldn’t mind a little help either.

Thank you.

Danny Thomas – Webmaster.

As per the last few years new posts on the website have been infrequent but my thanks to all those who continue to generate new articles and content which are always welcome.

With the move to MemberMojo earlier this year, I no longer maintain the contact database or GDPR consent process.

However, I still invest time maintaining the website, our email and through frequent interventions to ensure that our domain is not treated as spam by various internet providers.

Outside of my duties as Webmaster, I manage the society’s contracts with the MOD and Grainger for the observatory and Alice Holt.

We have been in discussion with Alice Holt about resuming observing events but they have presented us with revised terms and conditions which need to be negotiated in order to allow us to sign. Insurance and liabilities remain a sticking point and discussions are ongoing, but without movement on their side, we may well walk away on the basis the risks to the society or individuals are too high.

I have continued as the contact point for SAGAS (Southern Area Group Astronomy Societies) and I am also on the SAGAS committee in the post of Webmaster. Following the sad passing of Graham Bryant, who many knew as a speaker, I have also taken on the responsibility of SAGAS Secretary, at least until the AGM in April 2023.

The focus for SAGAS has been on how societies have coped during the pandemic and more recently restarting live meetings. Compared to some, we not just survived but emerged with a healthy membership.

Other commitments continue to impact the time I can spend on committee duties and my attendance at meetings. I will also be travelling for a period next year but much of the website and email maintenance can be done remotely. So I am happy to stand for re-election as webmaster in 2023, although I wish to withdraw from being named as Co-Chair.

Eric Grieve – Librarian and Instrument Coordinator.

Librarian and Instrument Coordinator

Members may request the loan of books or telescopes, between meetings, on the FAS Website which has a direct link to me.  Contact details: At any time on: 01252 518256. OR email: (

FAS Loan Equipment

This year the Society was again been kindly gifted a number of telescopes.  These include; a superb 10 inch Dobsonian with a 2 inch eyepiece set up, a Vixen 4 inch Alt/Az. mounted refractor, a 100mm spotter scope and a Lunt 60mm Solar Scope.  The Solar scope is undergoing trials, but the remainder are now available for loan by members.

The Sun has become somewhat more active this autumn.  Perhaps 2023 will see the SPT regularly out on loan to members. Remember, the Society has: Binoculars, Telescopes – both reflectors and refractors: ranging in size from 90mm to 250mm and the PST – all are available for loan by members. Photographs and full details of all these instruments are on the Societies’ website. Your committee continue to look at its loan equipment holdings and the question of their storage needs.

A small little used Dobsonian telescope has been gifted, through Paula, to the 28th Odiham Scout Group. I anticipate the Society will be in a position to offer additional instruments to members in 2023.

FAS Library

The FAS Library consists of some 160 titles.  Regrettably the library remains little used, with just a few books out on loan at one time.  I ask members to look again at the list of book titles on Notice board, at the back of the meeting room, AND also available on the Societies website. See if there is not something of interest to you. If in doubt, ask!

After 18 years in this joint post, I would prefer a new Member to take up the Librarian role.

The Alexander Observatory

With the Observatory reopened, we have had a steady flow of visitors this year.

Visitors included: the Farnborough Astronomy branch of U3a and a Ladies group in the Spring.

The Heritage Open day in September resulted in a record attendance, over 100 visitors!  I am very much indebted to John Price for holding the Fort single handed for the first hour.   Because I had been giving a talk, at the Army Museum, which is at the other end of Queen’s Ave.

We also had a very great turnout for the partial eclipse of the Sun on October 25th.   Andrew has already arranged a number Scout and Beaver Group visits this autumn/winter season.

The Alexander Observatory Guidebook and Observers User Manual updates will be completed next year. We hope to fund a small print run of the 2023 Guidebook.

With Roberta and John Smyth now living in Spain, we are in urgent need of additional help in the Observatory.  Why not come and learn how to operate and observe with this 8 inch Refractor and assist with group visitors to the observatory. Become an Observatory key-holder, and you can enjoy personally observing with this telescope at anytime you choose.  Anyone interested in supporting this lovely old Observatory, please speak to me, then come and have the guided tour!

Some maintenance work has taken place.  Including, for the first time, ‘Rushmoor funded’ repairs to the Gutters and some paintwork, carried out in the correct ‘historic’ colour!  We are also promised, some low level battery powered lighting inside the Observatory by Christmas.   There are always interesting maintenance tasks with a 130 year old telescope!

Finally, I offer myself up for re-election as the Society’s ‘Librarian and Instrument Coordinator’ for 2023.

Andrew Collins – Outreach Coordinator.

As reported last year few activities were expected for 2022 as the effects of the pandemic were still being felt. This is very much the case but this autumn we have started to see interest again from groups mainly to view the Alexander telescope. In fact, you can tell that business is returning to normal as the first event on 1st November was cancelled due to the weather!

At the time of writing two more events are planned for November and a couple in January.

Whilst not strictly part of the Outreach programme the partial eclipse on 25th October, organised by Eric, was well attended by members of the public at the telescope with many adults taking the opportunity to view the eclipse through various telescope and methods.

Outreach Co-ordinator

To the extent that the society wishes to have outreach co-ordinator next year I put myself forward to serve again.

 Chris Reed – Secretary.

Good evening, I am Chris Reed. I have been the Society’s secretary since 2017, with the assistance of other committee members. The role doesn’t require any astronomy skills (fortunately) just preparing meeting agendas and writing minutes.

Additionally, I have been producing the society’s newsletter. This can be quite time consuming and to save time I have removed any news and observing items that are readily available on the internet and concentrated on society news, members’ images,  etc. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements to the newsletters, hints and tips please let me know via

The newsletter, Facebook group “Farnham Astronomical Society” and our web site allow the Society and its members to share information, so if you have a stunning image, an interesting fact or a technical tip please share it via the newsletter or Facebook. Perhaps you have a question which can be posted on Facebook where someone will supply an answer.

If anyone would like to try their hand at the secretary’s role or editing the newsletter then please let a committee member know or even volunteer for election at the AGM. Otherwise I shall to continue to volunteer for these roles.

John Rees – Treasurer.

The Treasurer presented a report to the meeting on the financial position of the Society confirming that fees would remain at the current level for 2023 and that an uplift in our meeting venue rental had been agreed by the committee. The report was approved by a show of hands.

3.     Election of Committee Members.

Following the normal AGM process, Members are asked to approve the election of the Committee through a show of hands.

  • Chairman – Kevin Pretorius re-elected.
  • Program Secretary – Kevin Pretorius re-elected.
  • Webmaster – Danny Thomas re-elected.
  • Membership Secretary – David Hepper volunteered and was .
  • Librarian and Telescope Coordinator – Eric Grieve re-elected.
  • Outreach Coordinator – Andrew Collins re-elected.
  • Observing Coordinator – Nigel Thomas re-elected.
  • Secretary – Chris Reed re-elected.
  • Treasurer – John Rees re-elected.

4.     Proposals requiring member approval.

  • Changes to the Society’s Constitution, prompted by the adoption of MemberMojo to maintain our society membership (for more details see FAS Proposed Changes to Constitution 2022 document).

·         Amendment #1 – Replace Item 2. Objectives – approved by members.

·          Amendment #2 – Replace Membership Categories in Item 3 – approved by members.

·          Amendment #3 –  Replace Item 4. Management Committee – approved by members.

·          Amendment #4 – Replace Item 6. Admission to Membership – approved by members.

·          Amendment #5 – Replace item 8. Subscriptions – approved by members,

  • The Society’s year will run from 1st February to 31st
  • This will allow the Committee to suggest subscription changes at the November committee meeting for approval by the members at the December AGM and MemberMojo to be updated before issuing renewal reminders during January..
  • Members should pay subscriptions within 30 days by
    • Cash or cheque at the February monthly meeting.
    • Bank transfer the Society’s account during February.

·          Amendment #6 – Replace item 9. Arrears of Subscriptions – approved by members.

§  Subscriptions must be paid within 30 days

5.     Any Other Business

  • Rory Fenner requested that more talks on basic astronomy, planets, binary stars, variable stars, etc.