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Constitution and Rules

1. The Name of the Society

The Society shall be called The Farnham Astronomical Society, hereafter called the Society.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the Society shall be to promote and encourage an interest and understanding of astronomy as a science and as a hobby by:

  1. providing a programme of talks and lectures on astronomy
  2. providing opportunities to meet and socialize with other astronomy hobbyists
  3. organising private observing nights for Society members, and
  4. supporting public outreach activities, especially to young people.

3. Membership

Membership of the Society shall consist of the following membership categories, and other combinations of categories as the committee may see fit to offer from time to time.

  1. Adult – the normal membership applicable to most adult members
  2. Student – a reduced price membership for adults in full-time education.
  3. Junior – a reduced price membership for under 18s. Junior members must be at least 12 years old.

(Note: These categories of membership allow for differences in subscription levels) The Society shall place the highest priority on the wellbeing of children attending its meetings.  The Society shall follow the procedures issued by the Federation of Astronomical Societies in their handbook (section 5.1) where a child is defined as being below 16 years of age.  Parents must give written consent for the child to participate unaccompanied in the Society’s events.  If the Society is invited to an event, it shall be made clear to the organisers of the event that they are responsible for the wellbeing of the children participating.

4. Management Committee

The management of the Society shall be vested in a Committee of no more than nine members, including some or all of the following posts: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Observing Coordinator, Membership Secretary, Librarian, Equipment Custodian, Outreach Coordinator and Webmaster.

Each officer position may be shared by two or more members, provided that the overall size of the Committee does not exceed nine members.

The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

5. Voting and Attendance

Only current members shall have the right to propose candidates for election to the Committee, to vote at meetings and to serve as officers of the Society.  All members shall have the right to attend meetings and observing sessions, to introduce visitors to meetings, and to receive a copy of any proceedings published by the Society during their membership.

6. Admission to membership

Prospective members may apply to join the society by completing and submitting the online application form at, by providing the basic personal details requested, giving consent to store and process their data, and by paying the requested fees.

The Membership Secretary shall normally admit every candidate submitting a valid application and payment, but may reject an application if a candidate is considered unsuitable, provided such action is supported by a majority of the Committee.

The Society shall maintain a register of pending, active and recently-expired members as described in its GDPR policy available at Members may access and correct their data at any time.

7. Expulsion of members

In the event of a member being unable to accept the aims of the Society and/or whose actions are contrary to its good name, then they may be removed from membership.  Such a final step shall be taken at a Committee meeting with two-thirds of its members present and in majority support of such action.  This will normally be a last resort and should be preceded by informal efforts to resolve the matter.

8. Subscriptions

The society operates a membership year that runs from 1st February to the 31st January of the following year.

The Committee shall decide upon the required subscription fees for the forthcoming  membership year in consideration of the reasonable expected costs of running the society. The Committee shall announce these fees at the December AGM.

In January of each year, members shall be invited to renew their membership online, and to pay the appropriate subscription fee. Memberships officially expire on the 31st January if not renewed, at which point members will lose all benefits of membership, until they complete the renewal process.

Members joining the society for the first time shall pay the full annual subscription fee to join. If their date of joining would leave them with less than 6 months of membership in the current membership year, their subscription fee will automatically include the following membership year at no extra charge.

9. Arrears of subscriptions

Members are requested to settle their subscription fees promptly. If payment has not been received within 30 days of application or renewal, the Membership Secretary may reject the application or renewal, thereby initiating a membership expiry process.

Membership details will be removed from the membership database within 6 months of expiry, or sooner – either at the member’s request or at the discretion of the Membership Secretary.

10. Quorum

At meetings of the Committee, a quorum shall consist of four members, including at least two officers.  At general meetings of the Society, a quorum shall consist of at least one-quarter of all paid-up members.

11. Co-option

The Committee shall have the power to co-opt other members at their discretion.

12. Annual General Meetings

The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting during the month of December.  Members shall be given not less than fourteen days’ notice of the meeting.  The meeting agenda must include a presentation of accounts by the Treasurer and elections to the Committee.

13. Special General meetings

The Committee may at their discretion or upon receiving a written request signed by not less than five Full Members, convene a Special General Meeting of the Society.  There shall be not less than fourteen days’ notice of the date and purpose of such a Special General Meeting.

Only business specified on the meeting agenda may be discussed at a Special General Meeting.

14. Minutes of meeting

Minutes shall be kept of the meeting of the Committee and the minutes of each meeting shall be read as the first business of the next ensuing meeting.

15. Observing meetings

The Observing Secretary shall have the right to limit the attendance at any Observing meeting if conditions make this necessary.

16. Accounts

The Treasurer shall manage the Society’s finances using an account/s held with a recognised bank.  The Treasurer or his appointed deputy (the alternative signatory lodged with the bank) must authorise all withdrawals on the accounts.  The accounts of the Society shall be made up annually to the month prior to the AGM.

17. Third Party Agreements

No member of the Society shall act as an agent or enter any contract on behalf of the Society without the prior consent of a majority of the elected Committee members.

In approving any contract or entering into any agreement the Committee should ensure that to the best of their knowledge the contract specifies that any claim will be settled through the Society’s public liability insurance (PLI) and any personal liability of the Committee and the Society’s members is excluded.  The approval process should also ensure the following conditions are met:

  1. Any potential risk in the related activity is covered by the Society’s PLI.
  2. Any indemnity provided to a third party is limited to the extent of the amount insured by the PLI.
  3. Any indemnity is limited to an act of negligence by the Society and not that of any third party.

Subject to the conditions of this section, the Society will indemnify any current, former and future member who is party to any legal action brought as a result of their personal liability arising as a consequence of entering into an agreement on behalf of the Society. Such indemnity will be provided solely through the exercise of the PLI and include any member acting as an officer, agent, or ordinary member of the Society.

No member of the Society shall receive any financial benefit from any agreement or contract except for reasonable expenses incurred in conducting the business of the Society.

18. Property of the Society

The Committee may, from time to time purchase books, telescopes, projectors, or such articles as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the Society or may direct the same to be sold if not required.  An inventory of the Society’s property shall be attached to the annual accounts.

19. Disposal of property

In the event of the dissolution of the Society, its property, or effects (funds or otherwise) shall be disposed of as determined by the Committee.

20. Alteration to rules

No rule shall be altered, or a new rule incorporated, except by a two-thirds majority of votes of the members present at a General Meeting of the Society.  Any resolution to alter the rules shall be endorsed by at least three Members and shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Committee, for circulation to members of the Society, not less than fourteen days before the meeting.

21. Copies of rules

A copy of these rules shall be posted on the Society’s website as well as given to each new member.