Visite de Astronomes francais

In July 2013 Farnham Astronomical Society was delighted to host a group of amateur astronomers from France.

The ‘Groupement des Astronomers Amateurs Courierois’ were touring the south of England viewing observatories and we were honoured that they were interested in visiting the Alexander Observatory and its telescope. The group were travelling down later to Salisbury to see the rather more well-known site of Stonehenge the next day. It was a hot sunny afternoon, so our offer of iced drinks and the odd cookies went down very well. A number of FAS committee members were able to attend and entertain our guests. We were able to gave them a detailed demonstration of the Grubb telescope and a briefing on Patrick Alexander himself and the observatory’s own history.

Our thanks to Roberta Smyth, John Rees and his wife Janine for providing the refreshments.