Committee Meeting Minutes 05 Feb 2024

Committee Meeting – 05 Feb 2024 – MINUTES

Attendees:AC, KP, DT, NT
Apologies:EG, DH

Previous Items/Actions

PLI (Public Liability Insurance) issues (DT)


  • Investigate possibility of our society following Guildford AS’ example and arranging supplementary insurance cover (DT)
    • Issues have been resolved. Done/Closed – See “Insurance” for details.

Observing Sessions (NT)


  • Confirm the contract letter signatory is authorised by WBC (NT) Done/Closed
  • Proceed with observing at Frensham (NT) Done/Closed
  • Upon renewal, request change of wording to include a “limit of £10m” and “exclude members and officers from personal liability.” (NT/DT)  Done/Closed
  • Explore the possibility of changing the society to a “Limited Liability Company” (KP) No longer of interest / Closed.

Health and Safety (NT)

Various risk assessment forms have been standardised by JR and emailed to committee members in August 23.


  • Committee to check they have received amended forms (ALL) Done / Closed

Acceptance Criteria for Loan Equipment (EG)

Eric has stressed the need for a standard process for accepting and approving loan equipment for hire, to ensure its general condition, operational readiness, and safety. A basic user guide and operating instructions are needed, along with a list of accessories included, and a photo of the equipment, before it can be published on the website and offered for loan. Members borrowing equipment should confirm they have read the T&Cs. High value items will not appear on the website and will require a deposit. Committee members to agree any rental fee and loan restrictions on a case by case basis.


  • Committee members holding unregistered items of loan kit are to check its present condition and report any remedial action required before it can be offered for loan (ALL) Ongoing
  • List all the current loan equipment, its condition, suitability for loan and any remedial action required before it can be offered for loan (EG). Ongoing

Committee Roles & AGM


  • Committee members to summarise their present roles, to assist non-committee members to assess whether they would be able to assist (ALL). Done/Closed
  • Send out a formal notice to our members requesting assistance and volunteers (KP) Done/Closed.
  • Propose vote to increase ACC fees to £70 / month (JR) Done/Closed
  • Organise AGM Buffet and Presents (JR) Done/Closed.

New Items

Committee Roles (AC)

Subsequent to the AGM, we have received an offer from FAS member Peter Hall regarding the role of acting Treasurer.


The committee voted to approve Peter Hall’s appointment to the committee in the role of acting Treasurer. AC will progressively hand over the reins during the second quarter.

Insurance (DT)


Previous issues of coverage under the FedAstro policies have been satisfactorily resolved, and Farnham AS now has PLI (and ELI) cover in place. Both policies run until 31st March 2024. Our current brokers however, will not be able to handle our renewal as they are no longer agents for these insurers.

SAGAS has created a working group charged with drafting policies and risk assessments to comply with insurer requirements, and reviewing documentation from FedAS. The working group is well supported by subject matter expert Cheryl Pitt from South Downs AS. Template policies will be developed for re-use by SAGAS members.

One potential Health and Safety recommendation concerns our First Aider coverage. It may be appropriate to train up one or more first aiders.


  • Check if First Aider information is held on MemberMojo (KP)
    • Yes, and we have 8 listed (Done/Closed)

Website Update (DT)

Danny and Katherine Rusbridge are developing a new website for the society. Danny has requested committee to review progress so far and to provide feedback on structure and content.

Committee to discuss:

  • Feedback on the draft website @
  • Do we put the meeting minutes behind a “blind link”?
  • Could we use MemberMojo to make the process for borrowing books and loan equipment private to members?

Update: Danny explained that our Facebook group already serves many of the internal news and information purposes for which our website was originally developed. His aim for the website is therefore focussed on providing the information sought by prospective members and other external enquirers.

In this context, he felt that committee minutes, financial reports, and even committee membership details should be removed from public access, making the internal business of the society more private.

The committee’s feedback was positive; supported the aims for the website; and thanked Danny and Katherine for their hard work on this. It was agreed that the committee minutes should be placed behind a blind link that would be distributed to members via email or the newsletter.

Kevin opined that the home page, as our shop window, should be visually attractive and welcoming in addition to providing key factual information. He suggested the inclusion of some members’ astro-images with the text to pique interest from budding astrophotographers.

Discussion of whether the website should include or exclude imagery of the bar area and the consumption of alcohol produced no clear outcome. Danny felt this should be avoided because it may concern parents of minors thinking of joining. Kevin and Nigel considered that the bar was a positive aspect of our offering.

Kevin advised that MemberMojo allows admins to upload documents to individual member’s profiles. This facility is intended for the award of certificates, etc. It’s not well-suited as a means to host or distribute internal documentation (like equipment or books for loan). Blind links might be better.

Recurring Items

Finance (AC)

Andrew has been working with John Rees to effect a transfer of Treasurer responsibilities, against a backdrop of membership renewals and the establishment of our new Paypal account, and with the prospect of a new acting treasurer joining us soon.

  • Committee to decide who should have access to our bank account(s)
  • Committee to formally confirm its approval of Paypal charges on subscription renewal fees (currently 1.2% + 30p)

Update: Andrew now has access to the Lloyds account and has set up a Paypal account (against the treasurer email) that has already proven popular with members during renewals. His financial report forecasts losses this year, with a year-end balance of £ 2,474 vs an opening balance of £3,113. Andrew highlighted the impact of increasing costs of both our venue hire and speaker fees, and expects that subscription fees will have to increase next year. He expressed some concern at the growth of ACC fees over time.

Danny and Kevin wished not to have access to the bank accounts as they both receive payments or reimbursement from the society (for web hosting and zoom access). Kevin suggested that it would be efficient for the membership secretary to have a direct view of who has paid membership fees by BACS.

Nigel explained that banks frequently support arrangements where multiple approvals are needed to sign-off payments from the account.

The committee agreed:

  • That Andrew Collins, Peter Hall, and David Hepper should have access to our accounts.
  • That Paypal fees for subscription renewals (currently 48p for a standard membership) were a reasonable expense in return for the member convenience provided and reduced committee effort required.


  • Andrew to investigate and consider options for multiple sign-offs on our bank account(s).
  • Andrew to update account access to the individuals named above.

Membership (KP / DH)

Kevin reported the membership renewals were significantly down on previous years, with 63 active members plus 3 pending payments to date. (update – we’ve had 2 more renewals since the committee meeting) An analysis of renewals by year of joining shows no obvious pattern, with members both old and new choosing not to renew, including a few surprises.

Danny noted that Cody membership numbers were up this year (around 100). They benefit from an excellent (ex-military) Zeiss telescope, a quality lecture theatre, and classes for newbies.

Kevin suggested we may need to consider attending fetes and fairs this Summer and to speak to members about what we can improve. Danny suggested increasing our publicity again.


  • Kevin to ask for member feedback on Facebook
    • Done, but zero response so far.
  • Danny to check whether the society is on Google Maps

Observing (NT)

Nigel reported that poor weather continues to frustrate our efforts to hold observing nights at Frensham Pond and proposes that we expand the arrangements to be able to flexibly offer observing on any day of the week.

An approach to Waverley Borough Council quickly met with a positive response and we have been sent a revised agreement, although this lacks this lacks the previous, signed, explicit undertaking to limit all claims for damages to what can successfully covered by our insurance.

  • Committee to discuss potential risk and to agree a course of action.

The Committee considered that prior undertakings given by WBC and the paper trail we already have are sufficient basis for us to proceed in the interim, pending a revised agreement in a few months.

Kevin asked whether WBC’s barriers were available, to separate traffic from observers, and to protect against what he considered the most significant risk exposure.

Danny questioned whether there would be genuine interest in weekday observing.


  • Nigel to enquire of members whether weekday observing would be of interest.
  • If popular, then Nigel to proceed with the new agreements and initiate weekday observing as an option.
  • Nigel to enquire about the use of barriers at Frensham Pond.

Outreach (AC – optional)

Andrew reported a successful event at St Michael’s school, with a good showing of adults and children, and a healthy turnout of 8 volunteers. One further event is scheduled for March.

SAGAS Report (DT – optional)

See: Insurance, above


